Prepare yourself to spend a substantial amount of money if you are planning on remodeling your home. Be prudent. Let your precious dollars be spent intelligently on investments that will give you reasonable returns for a long time. A window upgrade is one of the one-time investments that should be justifiable. The windows you choose should be designed for outstanding beauty, durability, and energy efficiency to provide you protection and significantly improve the curb appeal and value of your home long term. This is not asking for too much; you deserve all these benefits with the hard-earned money you are investing.
Gentek Windows
GENTEK WINDOWS is one of the select window manufacturers well-known for the quality of its products and craftsmanship and its commitment to these attributes and innovation. Among the best in the industry with a top-rate service, Gentek is also one of a few brands to offer an extensive product line of vinyl aluminum and steel siding and accessories for your exquisite home exterior. It has more than 50 years of manufacturing expertise and unlike many window manufacturers that import raw materials and supplies from other countries including China, Gentek extrudes most of its parts from the raw vinyl resin itself. Gentek windows can be installed according to your style preference – as single-hung, double-hung, casement, awning, sliding, picture, garden, bay and bow, and specialty shape windows. This means they can either replace your existing old or damaged windows with the same style or a newer or modern style that can give your home better visual appeal. Gentek offers the following:
- Performance-engineered vinyl windows that use the latest technology
- Sturdy construction with precision-welded frame and sashes that deliver increased strength
- Energy-efficient glass
- Easy to maintain and great thermal performance
- Durable and low maintenance
- Energy efficiency – excellent thermal performance ratings so that you will be saving on energy in the long run
- Significantly less likely to warp like wood or dent like metal
- Combine the latest European style features with superior energy efficiency
- Euro tilt and turn style - with steel reinforcement
- Clean line aesthetics
- Thermal efficient and durable
- Aluminum windows with a wide variety of styles
- Storm windows offered in one-lite, double- hung, round top, and side slider in seven standard colours
- Strong and cost efficient
Advantages of Installing Gentek Windows
Here are some of the reasons why choose Gentek windows for your home or office is an excellent decision to make.
Gentek windows are the products of advanced technology. They have been designed and manufactured using a computer-controlled process to ensure perfectly square window sash and mainframes with superior strength. The result is products with outstanding beauty, durability, and energy efficiency.
Products of quality and innovation
Built on time-honored craftsmanship, their windows are tested for quality in nationally-certified labs and their modern test facility. Their energy savings performance is also monitored by the National Fenestration Rating Council. Examples of Gentek’s innovative features in its windows are the significant noise reduction improvements in its windows and the interlock design at the upper and lower sashes meeting point, which stops air infiltration while providing an additional barrier against unwanted intrusions.
Gentek windows rely on improved glass performance, not a high R-value on the frame of windows for its main source of effective insulation. This is based on the fact that 80% of a window is glass, where the real heating and cooling savings come from. Gentek uses a warm-edge spacer system, the latest technology that helps improve the performance and the longevity of the insulated glass unit.
You have a wide range of window products to choose from. Gentek windows are available in various materials – vinyl and aluminum. These windows can be installed in many different styles that will suit your home’s architecture such as single- and double-hung, awning, casement, sliding, bay and garden, bay and bow, and specialty shape windows. They are also available in various exciting colours and textures. In terms of support in the window installation, you can go to any of their local qualified installers in your area.
With Gentek windows, you can realize savings in many areas including heating and cooling bills from their energy-efficient performance and on maintenance costs as they are virtually maintenance-free; you can forget about painting and caulking.
Unmatched warranty
Gentek puts its good name on the line. It guarantees the overall quality and performance of their window products. The warranty to your window units includes extrusion, parts, glass, and construction. Gentek offers a Lifetime Limited Warranty (refer to their warranty conditions) with transferability provisions, one of the most comprehensive available in the industry. Gentek windows are a wise investment when you are planning a window upgrade with your home improvement. With its good brand name, manufacturer’s experience plus all the good attributes of its leading products, you can only expect the best from your windows.
For a no-cost, no-obligation sales estimate just email us your quantity, style and size to Or stop by our exceptional Walk-In-Service and Repair Centre at 208 Queen St. North at Barton St., to speak with a window and patio door specialist. We can guide you with your upgrade project decisions. Contractors are welcome.